Motivation is Conscientious
Here's another flaw in thinking we have to do it all: When we withhold our vulnerability by not allowing people to be there in every capacity that they want to be, we're robbing our loved ones of their contributions. We're taking away an opportunity for them to live their best lives.
Progress in the Pause
It's okay to pause. It's okay to sleep in. Listen to your body and your heart. You are still growing in this space, and things are still aligning perfectly.
I'm Proud of You
I wanted to take some time today and let you all know how proud I am of you. We're three weeks into a new year, and I hope you've been holding onto everything you need, desire, and deserve for yourself.
A Ripple Effect
I talk so often about the pivot. Catching thoughts in the moment and changing them around is such a crucial step in changing how and what we manifest. Our thoughts are like pebbles we throw into the water that make tiny ripples that impact every aspect of our lives
Inspired Action
I am a firm believer in acknowledging your hurt and disappointment and then moving on. What can we create today, in this moment, that brings us joy? What do you love? -
On That Confidence Game ...
I hope you’re all amazing. I hope you have all been standing in your most vibrant energy. I want to continue where we left off last week on building confidence in ourselves, because I feel this is such an important topic. I am a firm believer in vibration and energy. I believe in growth. I believe in support. I believe that without any of these things shifting to a higher frequency, we will stay on the proverbial hamster wheel until we choose to change our energy. Does that make sense? -
The Habit of Shrinking
What are some things we can do to get our power back and stand in our confidence and take up as much space as possible? What are some things we can do to give ourselves a boost of healthy self-esteem?
The Stray
It's so easy to forget who we are. It's so easy to forget the power we actually hold to create the lives we want for ourselves. It's so easy to forget that we came here with intention. We came here with a plan. We came here with a knowing. Yet, along the way, we stray from that knowing. We stray from that trust. We stray from our intuition. We make excuses. We procrastinate. We get in our own way. -
Releasing the Outcome
When we can be in the mindset that we always have Source Energy behind us, and things are always working in our favor, we literally never have to worry. The things that don't go the way we wanted them to, that's protection. The thing that fell through, the job we didn't get, the relationship that ended, the flight that got delayed, the traffic we sit in…ALL of these things happen FOR us. We may not see it yet, and we may not understand it yet, and that is where faith comes in. -
Will I Ever Measure Up?
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but it is none of your business what other people think, and it’s none of your business what other people are doing. -
Celebrating Self-Love Milestones: Reflection and Future Goals
As this is the final post of February, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect back on the work we’ve done towards loving, forgiving, and being kinder to ourselves on our own accord. I truly hope you took the time to write down all the brilliant things about you and wrote yourself a glorious love letter, and have com -
Real Talk - Hello Insecurity
Insecurity is a universal experience, transcending boundaries of status or profession. It's an undeniable facet of being human, a genuine emotion that affects us all. And that's perfectly okay. I've recently found myself trying to managing bouts of insecurity, lost in my own thoughts, imagining the worst-case scenarios
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