The Stray
It's so easy to forget who we are. It's so easy to forget the power we actually hold to create the lives we want for ourselves. It's so easy to forget that we came here with intention. We came here with a plan. We came here with a knowing. Yet, along the way, we stray from that knowing. We stray from that trust. We stray from our intuition. We make excuses. We procrastinate. We get in our own way.
Life happens, and we learn bad habits. We learn behavior. We learn coping mechanisms. These learned behaviors form our personalities. And hey, that's all fine and dandy. We all have to go through whatever we have to go through to get us back to that place. So, let's not be hard on ourselves.
However, we CAN choose differently at any given moment, at any given time. We can also begin to choose differently and then go back and make the same mistakes. And we can be bummed about those things. We can beat ourselves up, we can feel it. And that's okay too. But it's about picking ourselves back up and getting back into alignment with who we truly are and the power we yield outside of our silly brains that tend to overthink everything. We CAN change our minds.
This is why it is SO important for us to continually put things in our paths that remind us of that power. This is why it is so important to have people and things in our lives that inspire us. This is why it is so important for us to create space to grow. Input equals output. What I mean by that, is if we don't have anything inspiring us to grow mentally, spiritually and emotionally, we stay stagnant. And that sucks for everyone involved, especially us.
I've been thinking about this over the past week because of my own behavior. Over the years, I have had times in my life where I have ignored my meditation practice. I completely stray off the path of who I truly am. I put other people and things before my own well-being and growth. It's almost laughable so it's a good thing I have a sense of humor.
September was such a roller coaster of a month for me, but the one thing I did do was make it a priority to get back into alignment. I'd even be so bold to say I have been so inspired in my meditation practice that it has altered how I think, feel and respond to things. It has also brought about different ways of doing things. I am insanely inspired in this moment. Inspired AF.
What I'm really suggesting to you right now is getting into a meditation practice. It's the most powerful and profound things you can do for yourself. I am in complete awe of the changes that are occurring before my eyes. And some of the ideas that are coming in order for me to live my purpose in life. If you don't know where to start, ask me.
I don't know about you, but I love to feel good. And I want you to feel good too. As we kickstart this first week of October, my wish is for you to brave something new this month. Start right here, right now. And let me know what it is. Whatever you do, whether you start to read a new book, start taking walks, start a meditation practice, start a class…Whatever it is that you are going to give a go, I want to know about it. May October be the beginning of some delightful shifts in your life.
I had a spiritual/kundalini awakening in March. I haven’t been on social media much. Fortunately my partner Mike is and he sent this to me. Meditation is key. The ability to put thoughts to the side and just be is priceless. I’ve had so many realizations. A Different Kind of Pain played a key role. I was chaos. My claws made sores on everyone around me and most deeply on myself. Ocean is my favorite song. I even have a drumhead painted by Sam for the song. I always thought about the loved ones I have lost when I listened to it. I now know it was me who was lost. A few days ago I did something Mike thought was insane but I was going with the flow of life. I am going to a retreat in Sedona in January. It’s an Alchemy Retreat with Sarah Elkhaldy. I haven’t been on a vacation in years and I’ve never been west of Dallas, Texas. We are going early and see the sites. While I’m at the retreat, Mike can do whatever he wants. I’m ready to experience new things. May everything you touch be successful. I can’t wait for the next tour.
I am making me a bit more of a priority in some areas. I started Monday to set my alarm and get up and walk 2 or 3 miles. I have done it for 5 days in a row and plan to continue at least 5 days a week and doing some basic exercise 3 times a week and l got out my plan cookbook. I am down 4 pounds already but realize it will be slow but steady. I am avoiding sugar and choosing anti-inflammatory foods. This momma could possibly look hot the next time l see you. ❤️
I am starting to reprioritize me!