New Day, New Canvas
Life-ing is basically art. We get to have a clean canvas everyday to create a fresh perspective on it. I want to splash love, patience, joy, gratitude, and abundance all over my daily canvas.
Bad Days
I want you to remember that if you're feeling this way, the bad days will pass, and there is no experience we can't learn from or overcome when love is present. Even if that love comes solely from within you.
Motivation is Conscientious
Here's another flaw in thinking we have to do it all: When we withhold our vulnerability by not allowing people to be there in every capacity that they want to be, we're robbing our loved ones of their contributions. We're taking away an opportunity for them to live their best lives.
I'm Proud of You
I wanted to take some time today and let you all know how proud I am of you. We're three weeks into a new year, and I hope you've been holding onto everything you need, desire, and deserve for yourself.
I Never Thought I Had A Problem
When you are forced to take a look at yourself and your habits, it can be a hard pill to swallow when you see all the ways you hurt yourself.